Sunday, July 27, 2008

I Have Aichmophobia and Trypanophobia

I have these 2 fears since primary school. Funnily, I remembered I was fond of injections when I was much much younger. Sigh. Anyway, aichmophobia is the fear of needles or pointed objects and trypanophobia is the fear of injections. During secondary school, whenever the word 'injection' was mentioned, I would begin to have goose bumps and start to cringe. Whenever I see the needles (not sewing kind lah), I would turn my head and start to shudder.

I guess that's why I never liked injections. I hated blood test more. At least the needles used for injections were much much smaller. Yucks. Just the thought of the needles poking into my skin is making me shiver right now. Just pray that the operation this Wed goes smoothly, and that my GA is applied by giving me a mask to breathe in the gas..instead of...*urgh* injections...ok enough. I'm going to hyperventilate liaoz...yucks. At least I know my phobia's name. Do you? Check out YOUR phobia name at the phobia list.

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