I've waited for the expansion pack since March or April. And it was released in Aug. Piangz, I waited so long then didn't buy cause it's $40+ lor. In the end we went to EA games counter and I did the deed. Not only that, I pre-ordered an add on, which will be out in Oct or Nov I guess. And like that, within 10min, I spent $70. -_-"
But I'm one happy girl lor!! Just look!! It's complete as of now!! I've ALL expansion packs and add ons available!! And note that they're all ORIGINAL. Jiawei says I'm crazy to buy original games. Feng couldn't comprehend why I kept on buying and buying. How much in total did I spend? Minus the first 2, The Sims 2 and The Sims University, I should have spent more than $500 on these games. All I know is those yellow ones costs $25.90 (25.90 X 7), the expansion packs costs around $45.90 (45.90 x 6) and the Happy Holidays version costs $39.90. Total..$496.80. That's exluding the pre-order add on which costs $25.90. The first 2 were given to me by friends. LoL. Oh ya, did I mention The Sims 3 is coming out next year? LoL.
Me in total bliss. Except wasn't that happy when I was paying though. The guy (should be from Comics Connection or EA or whatever) was damn rude and arrogant. Give me attitude somemore. Kept telling me that the expansion pack I'm buying is for PC only. HELLO! Lao niang me had been playing with The Sims longer than you had been drinking milk lor!! I started playing this game at age of 17 when the game was still in 2D format and the characters can't drive their cars to work and kids won't grow up. *Slaps* And total is >$30 that's why I'm using credit card. Fucker. My maths not that bad. Know the situation before being sarcarstic to lao niang ok. @#$%
Anyway, the convention wasn't that much fun though. Me and Feng missed the DotA competition. Imagine being paid $5000 to play games. Only saw the people playing CS, which I sucked at. Quite sad. Models there not pretty also. Like very young and seriously, I would prefer the babes at car shows or even IT shows. At least their figures better than the GCA ones. =P
Anyway, spent about less than an hour there and I left cause we were rushing to catch a movie. Furthermore nothing much to see. The best booth ought to be the EA games and Nintendo one. The rest...sigh. Chew was there with his gf, but he couldn't get thru to me and we no fate. Saded. OK..gotta ciaoz. Wana play an hr of The Sims before I sleep tonight. LoL