This is my first pair of Levi's jeans. Costing $125 I still remember. Bought in 2004 or 2005. Most prob 2004. I used to wear this brand called No. 1 Collection, until it folded and then I stuck to Giordano cause I was so freakishly fat (wearing a size 32 for Giordano lor! Which is like equivalent to something else bigger in Levi's size!). And then I got my first pair of Levi's in 2004. From then on, I never looked back. Levi's was the only jeans for me. Every year I would buy at least a pair..or 2. Anyway, while digging for more jeans, I found a pair of Levi's that had never been worn before. LoL. Wanted to trade in but my mom decided to pass it to my aunt to wear (lucky her, no need to spend a single cent..I bought that with my money leh).
We went Levi's Parkway just now and dad was new to the jeans selection. So I told him to choose a cut, then choose the color then the size. Told him to try 501, which is quite old yet trendy and young. If you get my drift. Dad wanted 501 after hearing 'young' and 'trendy', but too bad they do not have his size. LoL. I tried on the female bootcut (whatever happened to 577?) and mom said it looked great on me cause it's quite snug and makes my legs look longer than it already is. Too bad the length was 31 inches only and I tried on a similar pair which has length of 32. It looks better, although not that snug. Sigh. We can't win them all. Traded in 2 pairs of jeans, got a discount of $100 and total bill came up to $170+. OK lah.
Mom decided to go Marks and Spencer to try on clothes. Wrong move. I went in and tried about 10 tops. No I didn't buy 10 tops lah! That's crazy lor! I only bought 8. =P Made dad buy 2 polo tee..he looked so young in polo tee and jeans lor!!
Next I went to Bata and bought a pair of heels. Wanted to buy some covered shoes to wear to school..but...sigh. Nvm lah, next time lor. After shopping..went Giant to buy stuff for the BBQ..then went makan...and then dad told me to throw away my shoes cause the new shoe rack has run out of space for my shoes. I was like ok!!
Chose 3 pairs to throw away. And I only bought 1 pair of shoes today lor! 2 pairs from Charles and Keith (you had served me well for the past 2 years) and 1 from Bata (thanks for walking with me for the past 3 years). Sigh..heart ache. But no choice. And then I put in my new pair of shoes and started counting....and I realised...

I have 15 pairs of shoes (including slippers) left after throwing away 3 pairs!! Tsk tsk. Those circled in red belongs to my parents. My boots was placed in a shoe box and dumped inside the cupboard. This is terror lah!! 15 pairs leh!! And I don't wear most of them! Tsk tsk. Need to find chances to wear liao. Anyone who don't mind me wearing a 3 inch heels and standing next to you? Hahahaha...I didn't realise that I'm addicted to buying shoes. Heck..back in poly I only had 2 pairs of shoes! 1 slippers and 1 pair of Adidas shoes. I guess the number grew when I started working. LoL. Now...so many! How to wear!! Piangz...need to bring them into the sun again...CNY coming...haha!!
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