Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Erin And Jason's Wedding - Part 1

Yesterday was the solemnization and wedding dinner of Erin and Jason. OK sorry, Jason says must put guys first...the wedding night of Jason and Erin. My darling (Erin) is married!! Haha! Yesterday was a fun day, I got to know more about her mother-in-law and communicated with her siblings as well as her parents. I know Erin for 14 years, but I have never seen the father before, that was until Sun, when I was the jie mei. That I will post later when I upload my pictures.

Their wedding was held at Swissotel Stamford and I was there at 345pm, thrashing their suite. I was the first helper to arrive. I ran from room to room, opening every single doors, stepping out to the balcony, almost losing their wedding bands (opps!), walking around leaving my stuff around and helping their mothers/fathers/brothers make espresso. LoL. Basically I was stationed infront of the kopi machine cause I was too facinated with it. LoL. And I told Erin that next time we should open our own cafe with 4 cups only. Haha!! Just to share their wedding animation slide, done by Jason's army friend...

This story is true to certain extent. She had already noticed him during the hunk hunt, and it was true she's always not there. She told me that she hated orientation and had always tried to skip it. And no, she was not surrounded by guys cause she don't really mix with guys, instead she always befriend the females. And I asked her where's part 2...she says the army friend never make. Haha...yes, they had come a long way. I hereby wish both of them a blissful marriage. Jason, must treat my darling nice nice ok! Else I'll kill you! =)


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