Thursday, February 4, 2010

End of this blog...

This shall be my last post on this blog. Well..I'm actually switching over to wordpress cause I can lock my posts or keep it private. A blog to me, is my means of writing down my feelings. And sometimes..these feelings might hurt people around me. Therefore, I need a blog that I can lock. So with that, I bid all my readers farewell, and hope to see your comments soon on my wordpress blog.

My wordpress blog,, isn't new. It was created while I was still working at Fair Rite P/L, and I had to find some place to curse rant about my work. Anyway, please change your addy ok?

I guess I won't delete this blog. I mean..this blog was created after I picked myself up. Breaking up with Kevin wasn't easy. But it recorded down the things I've done AFTER we broke up. And it was more than when I was with him. Not that I was very long with him la..but This blog also has memories of me and Weifeng, be it good or bad. And has memories of my work life. It was during my working life that I blogged everyday and got to know people like Aaron and Joyce and others. =)

PS: Aaron, you very long life!! Right after I typed the previous sentence you came online. Haha!!

Anyway....since it's CNY period, don't expect too much things in my new blog. I need to take time to put links up, to edit the pictures and such. OK time to keep a min of silence. * * OK done. Bye bye blog. Thanks for having so many of my memories. =) Hope to see you soon.....maybe.......

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