Thursday, February 28, 2008

Highly Wanted Man Escapes

Was in a blur this morning as I was listening to Yes 93.3 (had just woken up). The news was that Mas Selamat Kastari, the suspected terror group leader, had escaped from Whitley Road Detention Center last evening at 4+pm. You can read the story here and here.

This guy, Mas Selamat Kastari, had wanted to hijack a plane and crash it into Changi Airport, to follow the 9-11 incident and to protest against Singapore government for detaining 40+ members of the group. But instead, he fled the country in 2001 to Indonesia. Indonesia authorities detained him in 2006 at Bintan and deported him back to Singapore in the same year.

Apparently our prisons/army camps had been slacking off abit. How can a man, at 45 of age, walking with a limp, escape a detention center WITHOUT the guards noticing? And aren't they (detainees) supposed to wear those tracking bracelets/anklets with GPS, so in any case that they were to escape, our police force would be able to track him down? And what was steady was the fact that he disappeared into the "forest" far away from the detention centre. According the the DJ of FM933, he had to walk out of the detention centre, pass through the HDB, cross the cementery, cross the expressway to reach the forest. (Is not in order) All with a limp. At 4.05pm.

After the Dave Teo incident, I thought all armed forces would have pulled up their socks on security. This news just shocked me. Believe me, I am not against the armed forces, for my parents are still civil servants. But seriously, you guys really think that nobody would want to hurt Singapore due to the small size? Or do you think nothing will happen? Once in your uniform, do your job well. Even if you don't like it. It's just like your job, do your part. Need not do extra, but do your job well. *Sigh*

Apparently the guy is still at large. Police are looking for him. Should you guys see him, please call the police. Extracted from the MHA website:

Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) detainee Mas Selamat bin Kastari escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre at 4:05 pm on 27 Feb 2008.
Mas Selamat was the leader of the Singapore JI network. He walks with a limp and is presently at large. He is not known to be armed. Extensive police resources have been deployed to track him down.
The public is advised to immediately contact the Police at 999 if they know of his whereabouts.

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