Saturday, April 19, 2008

My First Time And I Like It

Today I decided to try doing something. I asked Eugene for pointers on what to do and how to do it. I mean, he was the one who had done it in the first place. He had more experience than me! But I just seriously don't know how to go about doing it. So yesterday, after dinner, I went to buy the stuff needed.

And today, I've decided to make my favourite dessert! Can guess or not huh? Cannot? LoL. Oh yah, did I mention before that the whipping machine..or whatever you called it, is actually older than me? And it is still usable!!

These are the ingredients make my tiramisu! According to Eugene's recipe that is. But I made a few modification. For one, I used only 4 egg whites instead of 5. And I used 210 grams of sugar instead of 200gram. LoL. And I added 1 tablespoon of irish cream into the mixture...wonder how it tastes like cause I absolutely have no recipe infront of me then. I just kept on doing...

When I saw the recipe a few years ago (YES..I wanted to make this MANY years ago, but just didn't), I saw that it needed lady fingers. My first thought was, huh..such a nice dessert got such disgusting ingredient? Lady's fingers? those who don't know, it's lady fingers, like the one in the picture. Feng went to many supermarkets to search for this during V-day, and everyone directed him to the veggies section. Well, I found my packet at the biscuit section. =P

Of course, the main thing is the coffee + rum or whatever. I used irish cream. Why bother myself to make kopi and add rum or add some other alcohol? Irish cream has both! I no need to waste that much time also. And that container is to put my tira! Yeah!! Hey, maybe I wasn't doing it correctly, but I finished making the tira in 1 hour's time. It's so much faster and easier than my cheesecake!! My recipe? Wait until I try the tira tomorrow first lah hor?

My tira all done! But I didn't attack it straight away cause I want to let the cream cheese settle a little and harden a little first. This is without the cocoa powder. Wana eat then dust! That's what Gene always tell me. =)

Looks delicious ma? LoL. Hope it tastes nice! Can't wait for tomorrow!!

After all the preparation, the last part is the part I hate most: CLEANING. Argh! Clever me went to boil a kettle of hot water and poured it all over the bowls and all. It made cleaning so much easier! Ok..back to watching Crunchyroll liaoz....tell you how it tastes tomorrow! *Cross fingers*

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