Since I do not have enough cash (never liked bringing cash around), I passed him my credit card. He looked at me haughtily and said," Purchases above $60 then can use credit cards." I told him that my purchase is above $60. He then looked at me and said,"This one yours? It's *pushes some number on the calculator and shove it in my face* only $40++." I was pretty pissed off by then cause 1: I'm a fucking customer. Treat me with fucking respect. Not happy with being there on a weekend quit that fucking job. You're representing your company, which obviously you're not doing quite a great job and 2: I know The Sims 2 expansion packs costs around $40++ and their add-ons cost $20++. Don't come tell me something I already know. Tell me something I don't know. 3: I can understand your fucking English. No need to punch the numbers into the calculator to show me how much it costs. I'm old enough to have credit cards and am not a fucking primary school kid. KNN. Anyway, I pointed to the add-on at the counter and told him if he add that in, it'll be more than $60. He then turn over to his colleague and asked if that add-on was mine. HELLO! Counter only got me!! DUH! Anyway, his colleague said yes and he still doesn't believe it's above $60 and started calculating the total on his calculator. Dumb arse!! $40+ plus $20+ not more than $60? KAOZ! Then he grudgingly told me that those games are for PC (YES!! I ASKED FOR THE PC VERSION!!) and took my credit card to finalise that purchase. Heng his lady colleague was very nice. Which sort of made up for that dumb guy's short comings. Thanks for the goodies!! =)
Oh yah..drifted off abit. Anyway, after 2 months of waiting, Comics Connection smsed me 2 weeks ago and informing me that my game had arrived and I can collect it. So I collected the game, gave them the receipt and brought the game home. Because of my school projects and such, I didn't install the add-on immediately like I used to when I got home. I actually left it on the bed for 2-3 days before I remembered the add-on. So happily I opened the package and wanted to install in. Couldn't wait to see what the add-on has lor. But then... this was what greeted me

After clicking Yes..

This is what I got. Fuck lor! I tried for 3 times before I gave up and went to write an email to Comics Connection. This is my email to them:
----- Original Message -----
From: Isabelle Bang
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:53 AM
Subject: Corrupted CD
I had pre-ordered the Sims 2, Garden and Mansion add on and had collected it a few days ago at Tiong Bahru Plaza Comics Connection. However, when I tried to install it today, it showed that the CD is corrupted. Please see attached words document for the print screen.
My PC is able to support this game as I have all the expansion packs and add on for The Sims 2. There is no problem playing other CD or DVD. Please get back to me.
Seet Yee
22 Nov 2008
They were very prompt with the reply and this was what Jessica of Comics Connection replied:
From: Comics Connection - Jessica
To: Isabelle Bang
Sent: Saturday, 22 November 2008 2:46:53
Subject: Re: Corrupted CD
You have to give Electronics Art Technicial Support a call if really have the problem. The hotline is 64622549 or 64153088. If really got problem, they will email me and ask us to exchange with you. Please give them a call first.
Sorry. I just had to emphasize on what she replied. English abit broken as well. Not only that, what she mean by if really have problem? I actually did the print screen and showed her lor! I was thinking, OK, I'll give EA a call. The number she gave me is like..forever busy. I can never get an operator and when I left a message they failed to reply me. But the more I thought about it the angrier I got. I'm a customer. You're the seller. If anything wrong with product shouldn't you go find your supplier? I mean, when I was working in F/R, if any of my customers have complaints about our products, we'll find out what's the problem, get the product back if it's not usable, find the supplier and get one-to-one exchange or a refund. WTF. So I wrote another email to her/them:
----- Original Message -----
From: Isabelle Bang
To: Comics Connection - Jessica
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: Corrupted CD
There is nobody answering the number you gave. Can you give me an email address instead? And there really IS a problem, so what do you mean by if really got problem?
Seet Yee
Can see I quite pissed off le lor. I had been looking forward for TWO MONTHS to play this game! And now I can't even install. And you're asking me to go find your supplier to solve this problem? Kaoz! And today she emailed me back:
Please bring the faulty game and yr receipt to the branch you purchase and do a 1 to 1 exchange.
As I mentioned above, I gave the receipt to the Tiong Bahru branch and they didn't return it to me. After this incident, I can safely conclude my future PC games will be bought at Challenger. At least they are willing to solve the problem (even though there's this guy at Simei branch who is a little cocky) and I can earn reward points somemore. No more Comics Connection for me. Damn angry. Where is the customer service?!?!
Hi, that time you went to suan ming, which temple is it in jalan senang may i know? thanks so much:)
eh think jalan senang not many temple lor..once u turn into jln senang u can see liao
hi, thanks for answering. i saw 2 temple at jalan senang :( so ask which one. i called up one- at 1 jalan senang- they say dont suan ming for people..only give blessing:( the other no number so cannot call to check
anita, u can try tarot card readings, damn zhun also...
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